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Showing posts from December, 2014

Begin and End with Romans 8.

Most would title this post "A Year in Review," but I was going for a title that would hopefully grab more readers. *cheeky grin* But in all honesty, the title I chose is much more fitting. It came to me in church this past Sunday. You see, on December 1st of last year, the first Sunday of the month, I was in a Calvary Chapel Church in Indianapolis, listening to a sermon on Romans 8. (Or listening as well as I could be when for the first time in my life, I was holding hands with a guy for an extended period of time with no shame). Then on December 7th of this year, the first Sunday of the month, I was in a Calvary Chapel Church once again listening to a sermon on Romans 8. It seemed a little weird to me, but at the same time that is where the similarities ended. This second church was in West Des Moines, IA. Instead of sitting next to a new suitor, I was sitting next to my younger sister for the 100th time in my life. And I didn't smile at the sermon, anticipating