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Another Step in an Amazing Journey!

I can't fall asleep. Like literally laid there for a full hour or more, and nothing doing. I then read, which will usually make me sleepy; if I am laying down and reading. But nothing doing. I am not really an insomniac at all, so this is not normal. Not sure why God has me up tonight.
But as I was reading, a character in my book was teaching something to a group of college students. And he did it in a way that was engaging and had all of their attention and got them all excited, and I loved reading that. I thought it was amazing the way he presented his content, and made me really want to do something similar. I felt like getting up and telling the world.
A passion has been slowly growing in me lately to be more purposeful about sharing the gospel and the work that God has done and is doing with others. Like I said, it has been slow in growing, but it has been there. But tonight it burst! Like big time. I am extremely excited, and I am not even sure what I am excited about. I have no idea how God wants me to minister to others, I just know I have a passion to do so. Sometimes He places me in positions where I can minister, but this is something different.
I am not in a position where I am recognizing that God would have me minister. Instead I feel a vibrant need and enthusiasm to minister and to share, but don't have a situation or position that goes along with that. What God is  preparing me for, I have no idea. What am I even excited about? I don't know, I just know I am!
You might wonder how all this came about. Well I was reading(yes, that is a common theme for me) a book about a missionary. And this lady was in China and talking to this young man and asked him if he believed that Jesus was God's Son. His answer was "No, I don't really understand that concept." So then she asked if he believed that Jesus had died for his sins to which he responded. "I don't understand that either." Then she asked if he believed that Jesus had risen from the dead to which he lit up and answered strongly to the affirmative. He then accepted the gift of salvation. This man truly had the understanding of a child. A child does not really get fully what it means that Jesus is the son of God, or that He died for our sins, but they can understand that Jesus is alive today and believe in Him.
Hearing about this young man and then the way many people in his jail cell came to Christ even though that was the extent of his knowledge made me very excited. The faith of a child is beautiful to behold. I want others to find this faith, and then to grow in it and to hunger strongly after God and a personal relationship with Him. I want them to see the work that God does in the lives all around them and to long to have the same kind of relationship with Him. I want those children in the faith to take great joy in seeking after the perfect will of God as a small child might eagerly ask their earthly father how to make an amazing sandcastle instead of trying it on their own.
The idea of seeing all this happen and getting to be one of the tools that God uses to share such things is so exhilarating! I literally can't get my heart rate to slow down and this lump in my throat to go away, and I am so excited I can't sleep. Which is something that I usually have no problem doing. :)
I hope that God shows me soon what He is preparing me for; what He wants me to do with this passion, and where I can pour it. I go out into the world to serve food and coffee in a few hours, and pray that God will use me there. May I ask that anyone reading this might pray for me? Pray that God would give me direction, that He would increase this passion, and that He would daily mold me into a tool that He can readily use for the enhancing and edifying of His kingdom. I am so eager to see where God is taking this!
