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Joy In the Everyday.

I have been richly blessed lately! Well actually, I have been richly blessed my whole life. Maybe my eyes are just more opened now to the abundant blessings God has given me than they have been at other times in my past. But either way, I am recognizing more and more with each day the ways I have been blessed, and within me is building such a spirit of joy that I can't help but let some of it show!

Some may think that I have just reason to not be joyful. I could, as it is easy for the human nature to do, quickly come up with a list why my life is hard, why I might be sad, or how horrible it is to be in my shoes. But who wants to read a list like that? No, instead, I would love to tell you about how God has blessed me in the daily living, and the joy that has brought me!

Take yesterday for example. I woke at about 6 am. Determined to have a productive day, I got out of my bed and walked out into my little sitting area with my bible. Blessing #1 of the day was some delicious coffee that I made right off the bat. This coffee is really yummy, especially after I add truvia and real cream. My friend and I found it at Target accidentally marked down by like 3 dollars! So yummy, and a great way to start off the day.

I had barely sat down at my little table with my bible and my coffee, however, when blessing #2 came along in the form of a text. As my wonderful Beau takes the time to do every morning, Kyle texted me some time in between 6 and 6:30 my time to say good morning. It is one of our favorite things, as it is a daily reminder to both of us that this relationship is real and blessed by God.

After reading my bible and praying, I did my exercising. I would call that blessing #3 as God gave me the strength to complete what I wanted to do there, and I still felt energized afterwards. I then got ready for the day, blessing #4 being that I was able to find an outfit I loved, was comfortable in, and my hair was cooperating. Any female readers will understand why I call that a blessing all in of itself.

Blessing #5 was time to finish a book that I thoroughly enjoyed, and would also recommend titled Chasing the Dragon by Jackie Pulliger as well as read a chapter of The Fellowship of the Ring, which is beautifully written, before going upstairs to join the family at 8 am. 

I was then able to help my mother quite a bit by taking over some things in the kitchen that were usually delegated to another sibling. This allowed me to wash dishes in hot water on a cold morning. And blessing #6 was that my singing voice was good, so I was able to sing while I was at it. I love to sing when I work, as it makes the time go faster and it fills my spirit with joy, thus giving me more physical energy and efficiency.

So there I was singing when little Mr. Raspberry* pulled up on my legs and imploringly fussed to be picked up. So I picked him up, as he was way too pathetic, and washed a few more dishes with him on one hip. As this quickly became tiresome, however, and the baby really didn't want to be put down, I needed to find another solution. When I was in Africa on a missions trip a few summers ago, I saw many children carrying around smaller children on their backs using this fabric thing called a chitange. I had taught myself this skill, and even had a couple chitanges that I brought home with me. I couldn't find one of these chitanges yesterday, but found that when I folded a double-bed sized sheet in half, it was the perfect size. So I used the sheet, and tied little Mr. Raspberry onto my back, and went back to washing dishes. He was quite comfortable, and was sitting on my back clapping his hands and trying to sing along with me. That was blessing #7.

Blessings #8, 9, and 10, were the ease with which I found something to make for supper the day before grocery shopping day, I was able to take a lovely bike ride down to the bank, and I was able to make some sympathy greeting cards that turned out quite nice, and will suit the purpose intended for them quite well.

And blessing #11 was the most amazing, with only #2 coming even close. I was able to spend an hour in the morning, and two hours in the afternoon in the Word. I ran across this amazing concept in Titus that was pointed out in a devotional I was reading, and this took me all over the scriptures, brought on a lot of prayer, and caused me to honestly search my heart and motives. It was just a really amazing time where God showed me a lot, and the thought of all I learned is still quite prevalent in my mind, as I am still meditating on it.

Blessing #12 was a special time spent with Mom and my siblings where we listened to some music, all did some fun little physical exercises together, where we gave each other a good-natured hard time, and Mom read us a couple chapters of The Secret Garden. It was so adorable to see the way the little ones got into the story, and to see the wonder on their little faces while listening to some very good quality literature.

My Dad then loaded me and 6 of my younger siblings into the van and we went into a nearby town where some of the kids had a Latin class, and then we were all going to have play practice. For 2 hours the kids had Latin, and that gave me the time to find a quiet spot in a side room and relax. I have this favorite couch that is incredibly comfortable and is made by the same company as makes the most comfortable furniture I have ever sat in, and I was able to sink into it last night and spend another hour or so in the Word, and then some time reading a novel. That couch would definitely count as blessing #13.  

Then the play practice which I help direct went incredibly well, making blessing #14, followed by a wonderful and at times humorous conversation with my father on the way home, making blessing #15. Then I got home and spent some time chilling on my computer, getting over a little petty fear of mine, and chatting with Miss Domestic.* That was blessing #16.  And then good sleep was blessing #17, and that finished out my day.

It was a day filled with joy and many blessings, and such days are becoming more and more frequent. You might say that I have just hit a good patch. But at the same time, there were many negative things yesterday that could have made it a horrible day. But God filled me with such an unnatural joy that could only come from Him and never be manufactured on my own that I can barely remember those negative things yesterday. Praise be to the God who can fill us with His Spirit, and with His joy no matter  the circumstances and make any day into one filled with joy where our eyes are opened to His blessings!!!

How has God blessed you today? How can we find joy in the day today? How can we bring God's joy and peace to others who need it today? Please join the conversation and leave a comment below!

*refer to my earlier post: My Family
