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How to Beautify Your War Room-War Room part 3

I'm so glad you have joined me for what is now the third post in The War Room series! You can find my first post in this series here. Today I wanted to share something a little more fun and interesting, and I found this graphic of this verse from Ecclesiastes to be very fitting for today's post.

As promised in my last post in this series, today I am going to share how I have used different colors and designs to add a little beauty to my war room and help grow my desire to come back to it over and over. For me this required a few different details: Comfort, Organization, and Materials.

So I started with Comfort. I knew if I was going to be sitting on the concrete floor beneath my steps with stone and concrete behind me, I needed at least a little something comfortable. This was resolved by the fact that my small couch in my living room, though very comfortable, has way too many cushions and big pillows on it to really allow any room for people. Thus, I swiped the two couch pillows and set them up in my war room so that I could sit on one pillow and have the other one as a back rest. This comfy seat was then finished off by a warm fuzzy throw that my now sister-in-law gave me for Christmas the year before she married my brother.

Next came Organization. I knew I was going to have different things in my life that I wanted to pray for. These quickly became separated into four main areas for me: Marriage, Parenting, Finances, and
Worshipful Wellness(I hope to add praying for others outside of my home as a section soon). I then separated the space in my war room into four sections. I don't have a lot of spare wall space, so I just split that in two and used those for my marriage and parenting sections. Then I took old windows and stood them up to use for my finances and worshipful wellness sections.

Then for the fun stuff, I delegated a color for each section! Pink for Marriage, Blue for Parenting, Green for Finances, and Yellow for Worshipful Wellness. I'll get into that more when I tell you about my materials. I broke in these sections by finding a main verse for each section.

And last, the part the nerdy side of my personality really enjoyed, was my Materials. I took those color schemes, and used them for everything. My main materials were highlighters, washi tape, and sticky notes. For marriage, I highlight my related verses with a pink highlighter, use a dark pink washi tape to put my prayers up in the marriage section, and write all scriptures out on my pink sticky notes. I repeat this pattern with all of my sections and their respective colors.

I can't decide what part of this "making everything beautiful" is my favorite. It's either seeing all the different colors of highlighter in my Bible when I am reading it, or my fun washi tapes. I just love the blue polka dot tape I use for the parenting section, and the yellow chevron tape I have in my worshipful wellness section.

I hope the encouragement that you find from this post, is not that you need this beautiful place for your war room(after all, I am kneeling in an utility closet under the stairs), but that you can use different techniques and materials to make it a place that you want to come back to. And you can always build on it when you have the time and/or financial resources. For instance, I went to the Dollar Tree yesterday and spent $3 on a new notebook, pretty wrapping paper, and scotch tape so I could have another pretty place to write out notes or prayers.                           

I hope this sparked some ideas for you!

Other Posts in this Series:
My War Room-War Room part 1
My Marriage Battlefield-War Room part 2
My Parenting Battlefield-War Room part 4
