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Common Worldview vs. God's Worldview

I have been seeing the following e-card being posted and pinned around on pinterest.

At first glance, any woman would probably think "Yeah, that's a great quote, I should pin or share that." And I was no different than any other women when I first saw it. Then I thought about it for a second, and realized that this is a prime example of the prevailing worldview that is being taught to all women in today's world.
"Women can do everything, but any REAL man wouldn't let her, but instead help her." Does this sound familiar to you? I know it does to me. I can't even count the amount of times I have heard people say things like "When you find a man who does the dishes, marry him."  Or "you know you've found a real man when he comes home from work and watches the kids and makes dinner so that you can put your feet up." Or have you ever heard those women complain about their husbands, because they don't do enough around the house. "He always leaves his dirty socks around the house, he never helps me with dishes, he expects me to make all the food by myself, etc...." Or what about those TV shows where "professionals" come in to fix a family, and they are always berating on the husband to do more around the house. The "solution" always includes getting the man of his "lazy bum."
But is this a biblical view? Does the Bible support the idea that true Christian men should aid his wife, and not expect too much of her? Does the Bible say "Husband, if you don't aid your wife in doing tasks, you are not a real man" ? This isn't what I am finding in the Bible, rather I am finding something very different.
In the very beginning, God created women for a purpose. "Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. Shortly after God told woman "Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."(Genesis 3:16b). So one, we were created to help man(not the other way around), and two, men are to rule over us.
Then in Proverbs, there is an entire chapter devoted to women and their daily tasks. "An excellent wife who can find...she works with willing hands...she rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household...she plants a vineyard...her lamp does not go out at night...she makes bed coverings...she makes linen garments...etc." Nowhere in the chapter does it mention her husband helping her. It talks of her husband many times, but merely to say that he is revered and respected and is pleased by his wife's actions.
Then on into the new testament. "But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of a wife is her husband...For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man."(1 Corinthians 11). Once again it is revealed that women were created to help the man.
So from a biblical standpoint and worldview, the above e-card should instead say. "A real man can do it all by himself, but a real woman wouldn't let him."
Am I saying that men should never help their wives with anything, that that would be wrong? That is not at all what I am saying. What I am challenging you as the reader to do is take a serious look at your worldview, and say "Is this something that is true and founded by scripture, or is this something that the world has taught that I have bought into?" And also for you as a woman, to realize the roll God has given you, and to learn how to be the helpmeet your man needs.
