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How to Use "The Lust Dare."

The Lust Dare is for all of you young gals out there who struggle with lust. Whether that means you are boy crazy and always seem to have 3 crushes at once, or whether it means you struggle with your thought life, or whether it means that you find the male body very distracting, etc, this dare is for you.

We often think that Lust is a guy issue, and that we as females are alone in our struggle. Girls aren't supposed to struggle with this kind of stuff, right? Wrong!!! You are not alone! That is merely the lie that the Evil One wants you to believe. That you are the only one, or at least the only girl, or at the very least the only girl in your Christian community that struggles with lust and with your thought life. But that is not the case!

Lust and all that comes with it is a very strong struggle for many girls, and it definitely was and still is for me. But God has given me victory over it time and time again, and I want to share with you some of the tools and weapons that God has shown me to be very useful in the battle against the desires of the flesh.

So I am creating a 30-day Lust Dare that will have a dare/challenge every day for you to do, and they grow on one another. I also hope that you realize that I and the others taking this dare are here to help and encourage you through this as well as keep you accountable. You can get in on this and receive encouragement by checking out my Contact Me tab at the top of my blog.

Each dare will have scripture, a story or input from me with some possible quotes, and then "Today's Dare" at the end. This is the dare that I am challenging you to take each day, and feel free to share "Did today's dare!" or something of the like in the comments or by contacting me. I am really excited to take this dare with you and I am praying every step of the way that God will use this as He sees fit.

Take first dare Lust Dare: Day#1. 
Lust Dare: Day #2
Lust Dare: Day #3
Lust Dare: Day #4
Lust Dare: Day #5 
Lust Dare: Day #6 
Lust Dare: Day #7 
Lust Dare: Day #8 
Lust Dare: Day #9 
Lust Dare: Day #10 
Lust Dare: Day #11 
Lust Dare: Day #12 
Lust Dare: Day #13 
Lust Dare: Day #14 
Lust Dare: Day #15 
Lust Dare: Day #16 
Lust Dare: Day #17 
Lust Dare: Day #18 
Lust Dare: Day #19 
Lust Dare: Day #20 
Lust Dare: Day #21 
Lust Dare: Day #22 
Lust Dare: Day #23 
Lust Dare: Day #24 
Lust Dare: Day #25 
Lust Dare: Day #26 
Lust Dare: Day #27 
Lust Dare: Day #28 
Lust Dare: Day #29 
Lust Dare: Day #30 
