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The Lust Dare: Day #15

How to Use "The Lust Dare"

Day #15: Courage

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7

The battle against lust is a battle with the flesh. Daily we are dealing with the temptations that come from our sinful nature and from the evil desires of the flesh. But it is also a battle against the Devil. Satan would like nothing more than to see us fall deep into the sin that entangles that we might be drawn away from God and from glorifying He who delights in us. This is one major battle, and I know that it can get very difficult and often scary.

Courage is not something that comes easy in this battle. It is something that we often feel lacking in, but also something that is sorely needed. Courage is something that many people I know really struggle with. There was a man that I have always loved dearly who told me that he often struggled and still does struggle with having courage. He told me a story once of how God taught him courage through the wisdom of his wife.

This man told a story of when he was pretty young. In his early twenties, he already had 3 or 4 kids, and made almost no money, and was trying to be the head of a struggling family when most guys his age were living it up at college parties. The days ahead looked so weary, and he really had no courage to face them. But then he came across a verse in scripture. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7. He showed the scripture to his wife, and she did something pretty amazing from it. She told him to YAWP it.

The concept of a YAWP is talked about, if nowhere else, in the film Dead Poet’s Society. I have never seen the film myself, but this man had and he told me about it. In order to better share the story he told me, I am including a clip from the film. Like I said, I have never seen the film, and it is also rated R, so I am not necessarily recommending it. But I do want to share this short clip with you. (sorry if the picture is a little off or fuzzy)
Since this man had seen this film, his wife told him that he needed to take that piece of scripture and YAWP it. He needed to shout it from the roof tops with a barbaric cry. He needed this scripture to become his truth and to radiate from his entire being. So like the boy in the movie, the man reluctantly said the verse. But his wife kept pushing him and pushing him, until finally he was standing on top of a chair yelling “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of courage, love, and a sound mind!” And that verse has been his life verse ever since. God has made it a reality in his life.

That is my favorite story of courage. When I heard the story, the man was up on a stage in his element, telling the story to me and a bunch of my teenager friends. With passion and enthusiasm he shared with us this story of how God had given him courage. And it brought me very close to tears and my adrenaline was pumping by the time he finished telling the story.

In the battle that we are in, God does not give us fear. He gives us courage! And it is with this courage that we can again enter into the fray of battle.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
 –Joshua 1:9

Today’s Dare
Go today to scripture and find verses on courage. Do not just use the ones I have referenced, but find more for yourself. Keep searching until you find one that echoes with truth. And then YAWP it. I am not joking. Get up on a chair or climb up into a tree and YAWP the truth that courage is found in God until it rings true throughout your entire being!  

The Lust Dare: Day #6
The Lust Dare: Day #7
The Lust Dare: Day #8 
The Lust Dare: Day #9 
The Lust Dare: Day #10 
The Lust Dare: Day #11 
The Lust Dare: Day #12
The Lust Dare: Day #13 
The Lust Dare: Day #14
The Lust Dare: Day #16  
The Lust Dare: Day #17   
The Lust Dare: Day #18
The Lust Dare: Day #19     
The Lust Dare: Day #20    
The Lust Dare: Day #21
The Lust Dare: Day #22 
The Lust Dare: Day #23     
The Lust Dare: Day #24 
The Lust Dare: Day #25    
The Lust Dare: Day #26
The Lust Dare: Day #27   
The Lust Dare: Day #28  
The Lust Dare: Day #29   
The Lust Dare: Day #30
