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The Lust Dare: Day #10

How to Use "The Lust Dare" 

Day #10: Be Careful, Little Eyes

“They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity.” –Ephesians 4:19

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there lived a man named David. This man later went down in legend as the man who killed a giant with a single stone, and a man after God’s own heart. But even this highly revered man of God had some major sin. And it all started with just a little peek.

Then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king’s house. And from the roof he saw a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful to behold.” -2 Samuel 11:2

It was just a little peek, right? It’s not like David went out on his roof in order to see if he was able to see any women bathing. Neither do we necessarily get on the internet to see lust inducing images. We may just be going to our favorite movie streaming sight, and an image pops up on the side of our screen. The question is if we take that any further….

Unfortunately, David did. He could have very well turned around quickly, gone inside, locked the doors, and prayed that God would remove that image from his mind. After all, he had no right to be looking at another man’s wife in that state of undress. But that’s not what he did. Instead he took the next step towards sin.

So David sent and inquired about the woman….”(vs 3)

Instead of fleeing the temptation, David indulged just a little bit more. I am sure he rationalized the next step that he took.
David’s lust started with just a look from the top of his palace, but the next step was predictable. He invited Bathsheba to his palace with a casual remark, to get better acquainted with the neighbors or to understand the problems of wives whose husbands were at war. The mind ruled by lust has an endless ability for rationalization.”                –John David Hicks.
This is what Paul was talking about when he said that “they have become callous.” When we allow ourselves to just take that next step, rationalizing little by little, we start to become callous. At first it isn’t ok to even glance at the ad, then it isn’t ok to look fully at the ad, then it isn’t ok to stare a long time at the ad, then it isn’t ok to click on the ad, then it isn’t ok to go to that site more than once every week or so, until one day you wake up and realize that because you have become callous, you are now going to that site 3 times daily, and thinking about that site whenever you are not on it.

This is what happens when we don’t nip the sin in the bud, before it even has time to happen.

The time to choose against sexual sin is the moment the passions arise. When you entertain lust, it’s hard to reject your passion.” –John David Hicks.

In the area of the internet, there are many different steps that you can take to flee temptation. You can have your accountability partner help you set up an ad blocker as well as block you out of certain sites. You can set up your computer to send an email to an accountability partner with a list of every site you visit. You can turn your computer in such a way that every time you are on it, others can see what you are doing on it.

“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality.” -1 Thessalonians 4:3

Today’s Dare
Do not let the internet any longer be a place of temptation. Find some radical ways today to be kept accountable. Brainstorm with your accountability partner(s). Do everything in your power not to become callous, and seek the will of God for your sanctification. 

The Lust Dare: Day #6
The Lust Dare: Day #7
The Lust Dare: Day #8 
The Lust Dare: Day #9 
The Lust Dare: Day #11
The Lust Dare: Day #12  
The Lust Dare: Day #15 
The Lust Dare: Day #16 
The Lust Dare: Day #17   
The Lust Dare: Day #18
The Lust Dare: Day #19    
The Lust Dare: Day #20   
The Lust Dare: Day #21 
The Lust Dare: Day #22 
The Lust Dare: Day #23     
The Lust Dare: Day #24
The Lust Dare: Day #25   
The Lust Dare: Day #26  
The Lust Dare: Day #27  
The Lust Dare: Day #28  
The Lust Dare: Day #29 
The Lust Dare: Day #30
