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The Lust Dare: Day #26

How to Use "The Lust Dare"

Day #26: Whatever is Admirable

“Listen to this…stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.”
 –Job 37:14

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report…. Some translate this word as admirable, others as of value, and still others as of good fame, commendable, honorable, respected, well spoken of, or refutable.

The Greek word used is literally speaking of that which is well spoken of or refutable. And I think many of those other words back up that over all idea of “well spoken of.” When a person is well spoken of, people talk about how they are commendable, their honorable attributes, why they respect them, and how they admire or value them; essentially speaking of their good fame. (I love that “good fame.” Sounds all poetic and Shakespeare like….)

So we are told to think on these things. I know that this command has been one that has changed my thinking dramatically. I live in a home where there are a LOT of people. I am surrounded by both the beauty and the sin nature of other humans 24/7. And it is really easy to get annoyed by the sin nature or even the simple idiosyncrasies that the people in my home have. It is very easy to see that they don’t wash behind the sink, or forget to flush the toilet, or use a rude tone, or make a joke in bad timing.

But God doesn’t leave room in this command. He doesn’t say “think on that which is admirable unless the people around you are just really annoying.” No, He said to think on that which is admirable. And as all of us are created in God’s image, I firmly believe that He has endowed every single one of His created with  traits that are admirable, of good report, or commendable. And these are the things that we are called to think on.

So I started to try applying this, and see what happened. When I would get annoyed with my brother constantly playing the piano, I would try to commend him for his gift of music. When my Dad would get out of sorts after a long work day, I would think on how much I respected his faithfulness to provide for our family. When my little sister would cry at the silliest things, I would think on how much I admired her tender heart and that she had not yet been hardened by life and circumstances. (That did not mean, however, that she was allowed to continue to throw a fit).

Do I always apply this? Definitely not! But, do I wish I did? Yes! It has been a huge aid. In purposefully looking for and thinking on that of good report with those around me, my attitude and also my love for each others has greatly improved. God calls us to think on these things, as they not only are something to replace the lustful thoughts that would love to overtake us, but they also will improve our relationships with those around us.

And even better than thinking on the admirable traits of those around us, is thinking on the commendable traits of God. Why is God admirable, commendable, or of good fame. What is honorable or respectable about God? What is of value or refutable in His character. Thinking on and answering these questions is exactly what God was calling us to through the words of Paul to the Philippians.

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” –Philippians 2:3

Today’s Dare
Today you are going to make another list. Bear with me. Today, search the scriptures and your own life, and make a running list of that which you find admirable, of good report, of value, commendable, honorable, respected, refutable, or of good fame about God. Keep a running list as well for those that are around you, especially those who you would be tempted to think or speak poorly of.

The Lust Dare: Day #23
The Lust Dare: Day #24
The Lust Dare: Day #25
The Lust Dare: Day #27  
The Lust Dare: Day #28 
The Lust Dare: Day #29   
The Lust Dare: Day #30
