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The Lust Dare: Day #28

How to Use "The Lust Dare"

Day #28: Be Merry

And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry.”
-Luke 15:23-24

4 weeks. It has been 4 weeks since you read the first day of this challenge, and did the first dare. For the past 4 weeks, i.e. a month, you have been actively battling lust and taking steps to set that sin aside and to fight the incredibly difficult battle. You have learned how to flee temptation, how to avoid temptation, how to replace fear with courage, love, and a sound mind, and how to replace impure thoughts with many different things.

This has been quite a journey, and I think it is absolutely wonderful that you have taken these steps, and that you are on this path with me. I have been there, I know how hard it is, and I still battle the lust of the flesh every single day. It is a never-ending battle until the day when we are given a complete new body and separated from sin and our sin nature forever.

When I was a little girl, I sucked my thumb. I never had a pacifier, as my sucking apparatus was already attached to my body, and I always had it with me. But unlike many small children who are “weaned” you might say off of sucking their thumb or a pacifier somewhere in their second or third year of life, this did not happen with me. My little habit went on a lot longer than that.

My parents tried everything. They tried offering me a reward if I didn’t suck my thumb for a week. They stuck nasty tasting stuff on my thumb(yes, I only liked my right thumb), but I would suck it off, putting up with the taste for a minute so that I was able to suck my thumb all night long. They would plead, punish, cajole, and complain. But there really was nothing they could do. I was a very stubborn and persistent child. And I was not going to stop sucking my thumb until I decided to.

Finally, a few months after my 8th birthday, I thought “maybe I’m getting a little old for this thumb sucking thing.” So I went to my parents, knowing that they had offered rewards in the past, and asked if they would be willing to set up a reward system again for not sucking my thumb. And so they did. As we never had ice cream in the house when I was a kid, they said that for every week that I didn’t suck my thumb, I would get an ice cream sandwich. And that on the 4th week, essentially after a month, they would take me out to this place about 45 minutes away that had all of these amazing choices for ice cream sundaes.

Well, that all worked out just swell. Since making that decision in February of 2003, I have never sucked my thumb again(other then in jest). And I was able to go out for ice cream and all that, and it is still one of my fondest memories.

So what is the point of my story? Well, it is illustrating celebration. I had a bad habit for a very long time. In the case of lust, it is more than a bad habit, it is a consuming sin. But I purposefully went and celebrated after a period of time of being free from this habit. And I would encourage you to do the same with your freedom from the lusts of the flesh. Let this mark of your first month be something that you remember by celebrating it.

Celebrate today, and thank God for the incredible work that He has done and is doing I your life!

Let the saints be joyful in glory. Let them sing aloud on their beds.”
-Psalm 149:5

Today’s Dare
Grab a friend or your accountability partner today and find someway to celebrate. Recognize in the midst of the battle the progress and the steps that you have already made, and mark today forever in your memory as one of victory. Kill the fatted calf, and be merry!
