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Preparing to be a Helpmeet

A year ago I finished a book I had been given for Christmas with the title "Preparing to be a Helpmeet." Doesn't sound much different then my blog title, does it? The author of the book is Debi Pearl, a very radical and wise woman who bluntly states the biblical call to womanhood. Her more famous book is titled "Created to be His Helpmeet," which is exclusively for married women, but then she also wrote other books, including this different version of her original book directed towards single women. This book was exactly what I needed at the time.
Debi talked in her very first chapter of an interesting experience she had at the age of 13. "Finally, Michael, the big brother, began to preach. I don't remember if it happened at the beginning of his message or in the middle or maybe even toward the end, but sometime while he was preaching the gospel, God spoke to me. "He's the one you will marry." "  Believe it or not, I had recently had a similar experience. I felt that God was telling me that I was going to marry a certain man someday, and this was kind of scary, and I wondered sometimes if it was just me and that God hadn't told me anything.
So it was very relieving to see that kind of thing had happened to someone else. Then Debi went on to talk about many young woman who told her in confidence that they too were supposed to marry this Michael. Then she spends the rest of the chapter talking both about their relationship, and of how her response to this weird experience was to pray or Michael constantly. Not necessarily as her future husband, but simply to pray for him. 
So I realized that was what I was supposed to be doing. I never told the young man that God was guiding me towards any of my feelings, but instead prayed for him constantly. As it is, God was leading me down a certain path for a while, and now the young man is engaged to a wonderful young woman. But I am thankful for the lesson. Oftentimes we get caught up in our feelings, or in God's directions, and forget the importance of prayer. And that young man has really grown in his relationship with Christ, and is going down a often hard but correct path, as it is the one God has called him to. My prayer was needed, and God has his own methods.
So I challenge you to pray for your future husband, and for the men in your lives, as God is constantly working on them, and they often need your prayer. And if you can get it, I would highly recommend Debi's book.
