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How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach (number 4)

If you haven't read the rest of this series, fell free to go back and read previous posts starting with How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #1 This is a continuation in a series of my adventures in revolutionizing my Pinterest motives and actions. Kind of out there, I know. But no one ever accused me of lacking in the area of radicalism. :)
So when I started this a few weeks ago I listed my pinterest boards in order of greatest to least pins. Here is that list:
Funny Stuff-168
Things to Try-63
For the Home-54
My Style-40 pins
My someday book lover wedding-37
Wish List-37
Done this-19
Books worth reading-11
Books to read in 2013-7
Favorite thing to do-6
Wedding Ideas-5
Things for the future-3
Children's busy ideas-1

Here is the current list:
Funny Stuff-169
Things to Try-70
For the Home-57
My Style-40 pins
My someday book lover wedding-37
Wish List-48
Done this-23
Books worth reading-12
Books to read in 2013-23
Favorite thing to do-6
Wedding Ideas-5
Things for the future-15
Children's busy ideas-13

There was some great, useful finds this week! I greatly increased my homeschooling and children's busy ideas boards this week. Yeah! Some finds in there included cutting sponges into long rectangles and then letting the kids build towers out of them, making shapes and letter pancakes, writing letters on a cookie sheet, and many other fun ideas. You can see them all by Following me on Pinterest.
I also added a new board titled Home Care and Hygiene. I have a feeling that board is going to get so full that I will have to split it eventually. At least that is my hope. It's been kinda a crazy week for me, so I don't have a lot to share, as I really wasn't on Pinterest very much this week.
I did get some more articles, foods, and things to try. Again, feel free to check them out on Pinterest. Happy Pinning!

How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #2 
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #3 
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #5 
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #6 
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #7 
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #8 
