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Command Man, Steady Man, or Visionary? (number 1)

So I have referenced a certain author in the past by the name of Debi Pearl. You can find some books by her and her husband in my Books I Recommend tab. In their books they talk about the idea that since men are created in God's image, they thus reflect the character of God in their personality. Interestingly enough just as God is a three-person entity, every men reflects one of the three entities of God. Either God, Jesus, or Holy Spirit.
Now I know what you are thinking. You can't put men in one of three categories!; you are probably saying. But I disagree, and so do the Pearls, and those who have read their books and understood this theory. It made much more sense to me when I began to realize that these three categories reflect the character of God in some special way.
Let's take a quick look at this idea, and then come back and join me on successive Sundays to hear more about this radical and truth-revealing way to understand your men and thus honor, respect, and submit to them respectively.

1. Command Man:
The Command Man or King reflects the character of God the Father. "God the Father is dominant, sovereign, and in command. He is the King of Kings. He created a few men who are like him in this aspect, they are kingly men." *

2. Steady Man:
The Steady Man or Priest reflects the character of Jesus. "The Priest will be the most steady and easygoing of the three types, not given to extremes. The steady nature of the Priest type is reflected in his tendency not to make snap decisions, or spend his last dime on a new idea; nor does he try to tell other people what to do." *

3. Visionary.
The Visionary or Prophet reflects the character of the Holy Spirit. "God is a Prophet as seen in His person, the Holy Spirit....Good-hearted prophets can be a lot of fun. They can love with a passion and be aggressively loyal to their friends and family. They can take a lead in calling the world to repentance and showing them a path of righteousness." *

*Quotations taken from Preparing to be a Helpmeet by Debi Pearl

I would challenge you to take a look at scripture and look for examples of these characteristics in the three-persons of God. I would love to hear some feedback on your scriptural findings on the Trinity, or some biblical men who were one of these few types. Example: Elijah was an obvious Visionary.

Command Man, Steady Man, or Visionary? #2 
Command Man, Steady Man, or Visionary? #3 
Command Man, Steady Man, or Visionary? #4 
Command Man, Steady Man, or Visionary? #5 
Command Man, Steady Man, or Visionary? #6 
Command Man, Steady Man, or Visionary? #7 
