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How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach (number 5)

As it is Wednesday, we continue in our Pinterest series. Again, I will start with the original list of the amount of pins in my boards from greatest to least.
Here is that list:
Funny Stuff-168
Things to Try-63
For the Home-54
My Style-40 pins
My someday book lover wedding-37
Wish List-37
Done this-19
Books worth reading-11
Books to read in 2013-7
Favorite thing to do-6
Wedding Ideas-5
Things for the future-3
Children's busy ideas-1

But then I began to change both my focus, and what I spent my time on Pinterest doing. 5 weeks later my pins look like this:
Funny Stuff-169
Things to Try-69
For the Home-57
My Style-40 pins
My someday book lover wedding-37
Wish List-48
Done this-27
Books worth reading-12
Books to read in 2013-23
Favorite thing to do-6
Wedding Ideas-5
Things for the future-20
Children's busy ideas-16
Home Care and Hygiene-5

This past week has had some really fun additions. Done This is increased by 3 pins, as I completed two owl crafts that I really liked, and finally completed an exercise program I pinned months ago. One of the owl crafts was making owls out of toilet paper tubes, scrapbook paper, buttons, and felt. My little sisters loved these! Mom was even happy because little ones going "hoot hoot" is much quieter than their usual forms of self-entertainment. :)
Things For the Future also had some neat finds, such as a unique way to store cans, a great list on when to buy certain things because of monthly sales, and an interesting twist on daily schedules by A Holy Experience .
I also found some interesting things to add to my Children's busy ideas board. Including puzzle cookie cutters for a child's sandwich! Those looked like a lot of fun.
Over all this change in my outlook has been very useful. I have begun to find many more useful pins, and have also saved a lot of time because I choose to find something more useful then surfing through pins I don't need. This is an experience I would greatly recommend for those of you unhappy with the amount of time you find yourself on Pinterest.

How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #1
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #2
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #3
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #4
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #6
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #7
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #8
