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Teaching both boys and girls.

Since last February, I have been on this quest to find what the bible has to say about a biblical woman. And because of that, it is very easy for me to see and notice when a woman is acting in an anti-biblical manner. That of course doesn't mean that I correct women or young ladies constantly, or even that I want to.
I just realized recently in some encounters with my younger siblings, the effect of this. When my younger brother and sister collectively come to me with a relational complaint, it is an automatic response to see what my little sister is doing wrong, and to call her out on it.
My mother pointed this out to me recently. She said this would be very detrimental when I was raising both sons and daughters, if I was constantly correcting my daughters, which is my natural inclination, and didn't correct my sons. She pointed out what effect this would have on my daughters. They would begin to think that 1, I cared and loved for my sons more than I did for them. 2, that my boys always got away with everything, which would in turn cause them to believe that "men" get away with everything.
So my mother asked me, "If your parents treat someone like a favorite, constantly correcting you and not them, what do you eventually start feeling towards that favorite."
My answer was "Hatred."
So in essence, in my trying to build my daughters into godly young women, I would instead be teaching them hate and despise men. NOT what I am looking for.
So this has challenged me in those scenarios when both my little brother and my little sister come to me, that both need to be corrected accordingly. Young women need to be taught to submit to male authority, and young men need to be taught to use their authority in a way that is honoring to God. Their authority is there to protect women, not to rule them.
May you be convicted today to watch the way you handle similar scenarios, and look at what effects that will have on your future or current children.
