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The Wisdom of Men

Monday night I got quite sick in a way I haven't in many years. For the past 5 years or so I have never gotten a strain of stomach flu that caused me to vomit. Before that, I hated to vomit, because it really just made me feel miserable, and I kinda had this irrational fear of dry heaving. Because of that every time I got sick, maybe twice a year, I would refuse to throw up. I would just merely wade through the nausea and get a lot of sleep.
So this past Monday night while at play practice I realized that I was coming down with some kind of illness. I really hadn't been feeling well since we had left the house 2 hours before, but I had been desperately trying to fight it. Finally, at about 9 pm, I gave in and conceded that I was indeed ill, and thus called in sick for work the next day. Before we left practice, I somehow got into a discussion about being sick with a male friend of mine just a few months older than myself.
I was telling this friend of mine about how when I was sick, I never ever vomited, and the reasons behind that. He kinda looked at me funny before saying. "I always thought it just wiser to throw up, and then the nausea passes, and you feel a lot better."
My response: "Well, that's what everyone tells me, but that's not how it works with me." How stupid is that, huh?
Not long after this we were driving home, and I was texting with a friend in order to keep my mind off the nausea, and told her that I hated being nauseous. Merely moments later I grabbed a pan that was under my seat, and threw up into it. After wiping my mouth with a towel that my mother handed me, I texted the friend back. "Threw up, feel much better now." Was my essential text.
Later I looked back at that and thought maybe I should have listened to that male friend of mine instead of shrugging him off. Once again I thought I knew what I was talking about, and was wrong. So that was a very convicting experience for me. I really need to show better respect to the men around me by giving more credence to what they have to say. God really has endowed men with a great amount of wisdom.
Please don't make the same mistake I did, but instead be willing to listen when a man tells you something, and to realize that it really is likely a wise tidbit.
