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How Pinterest convicted me to do as I preach(Number 3)

If you are new to the Pinterest series, you can read the first post here: How Pinterest convicted me to do as I preach #1. And you can read last week's post here: How Pinterest convicted me to do as I preach #2.
At the beginning of this series I counted the pins on my boards, and wrote them down from greatest to least. Here is that list.
Funny Stuff-168
Things to Try-63
For the Home-54
My Style-40 pins
My someday book lover wedding-37
Wish List-37
Done this-19
Books worth reading-11
Books to read in 2013-7
Favorite thing to do-6
Wedding Ideas-5
Things for the future-3
Children's busy ideas-1
And what the boards are today: 
Funny Stuff-168
Things to Try-68
For the Home-56
My Style-40 pins
My someday book lover wedding-37
Wish List-47
Done this-23
Books worth reading-11
Books to read in 2013-16
Favorite thing to do-6
Wedding Ideas-5
Things for the future-14
Children's busy ideas-3

This week I decided to add Food to my boards that I deem useful. (read more about useful in How Pinterest convicted me to do as I preach #2 ).I realized that though a lot of the recipes I have had on there I have never tried, I deem it useful because it is kind of like an online recipe book full of recipes that specifically are tailored to my tastes and preferences. So Food is now added to those boards that are useful, and hopefully we will be seeing more pins in that board soon.
My idle pins this week went on the wish list board. As I usually work on double-shift on a Friday, Saturday morning is my down time. My younger siblings woke me up a little earlier than I had planned on Saturday, and thus I sat half asleep on my bed surfing Amazon for owl decor. I found quite a few pieces that I liked. :)
In my defense, a friend of mine told me that her husband loves the fact that she has a wish list board, cause then it is easier for him to get gifts for her. So maybe my wish list board will be helpful to my future suitor/husband. But I still count that as idle, seeing as too much of it is neither useful or needed for me.
I was very excited to find some great articles this week to add to my board, and even found the time to read a couple of them. My things for the future board is slowly but surely catching up, and I pray that some of the things in there will be very helpful some day. One of the things that left my Food board this week and is now in Done This! is strawberry fudge. Really rich and really easy!  The recipe for that will be going on my Recipes tab on the blog, so keep your eye on that! I used cream cheese frosting instead of strawberry,so feel free to exchange flavors by using different kinds of frosting.
My homeschooling and Children's busy ideas needs a little work, and my goal this week is to find a few things during my browsing that can go in those boards! Keep tuned, and we'll touch Pinterest again next Wednesday.

How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #4
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #5
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #6
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #7
How Pinterest Convicted Me to do as I Preach #8
